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Test Systems & Methods

FAQ: Using Plateable Hepatocytes in In Vitro Assays

Plateable hepatocytes are often used for induction studies and to research metabolism, biochemistry, virology, host/pathogen interactions, and cell biology. Here,...

Which Hepatocytes Should I Use for What Studies?

Primary hepatocytes are considered the gold standard for ADME/DMPK studies because they are the most representative in vitro test system. However, not all hepatocyte formats…

Why Do Most Polled Researchers Run Red Blood Cell Partitioning Studies with Plasma Protein Binding?

Many compounds bind to or diffuse into red blood cells (RBCs), which can significantly impact clearance and cause inaccuracies in PK calculations...

Notes from the 2021 HRA Expert Panel Discussion “Are Standard Hepatocyte Models/Test Systems Still Good Enough?”

MicroPhysiological Systems (MPS) is a general term used to describe miniaturized, in vitro test systems that couple microfluidics with advanced...

Why Switch to Hepatocyte Pellets?

You may have heard about the patented CryostaX® format of hepatocyte pellets, but do you know why XenoTech and countless other researchers have made the…

Meet the Scientist: Stephanie Helmstetter

As part of our Meet the Scientist series, we introduce you to one of our most notable product experts, Stephanie Helmstetter.

Drug-Drug Interaction (DDI) Prediction Models Following In Vitro Studies in Preclinical Development

In preclinical development, a drug will be evaluated for potential to cause a drug-drug interaction (DDI) using in vitro experiments and then calculations that...

Toxicokinetic (TK) Analysis for Preclinical Drug Development

The main goal of preclinical toxicokinetic (TK) studies is to establish a correlation between a candidate compound’s concentration or dose...

New TMPRSS2-Expressing Cell Line for COVID-19 Research

We are offering a brand new cell line to assist researchers in the fight against COVID-19.The cell line (JCRB1819), developed...

How to Choose the Right Test Systems for Your DMPK Studies

Test systems for DMPK in vitro studies are part of the very foundation of our company. Our labs were borne of...